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Conference Committee

Prof. J. Jose Prabhu, UTEL University, Mexico Prof. Gary I. Lilienthal, Tashkent State University of Law, India Prof. Laxman Kumar Tripathy, Saibalaji Education Society, India

Prof. Intakhab Alam Khan, King Abdulaziz university, Saudi Arabia Prof. Mohd Fauzi bin Sedon, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia Assoc. Prof Joanna Rak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Assoc. Prof. Changiz Valmohammadi, Islamic Azad University, Iran Assoc. Prof. Deepanjali Mishra, School of Humanities, KIIT University, India

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet CÜNEYT BİRKÖK, Sakarya University, The Republic of Turkey Prof. Jihan Mohamed Kassem, Dairy Department, Food Industries & Nutrition Division, National Research Centre, Egypt Prof. Yi-Tao Yu, University of Rochester Medical Center, USA Assoc. prof. Deepika Koundal, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India Post Doctor. Junyan Liu, University of Maryland, USA Assoc. Prof. Eugenio Demartini, University of Milan, Italy Assoc. Prof. Vajiheh Fadaei, Islamic Azad University, Iran Assoc. Prof. Anna Gaviglio, University of Milan, Italy

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icmhb@sub-paper.com

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